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The Bridge: Series 1

The Bridge - Series 1 [Blu-ray]
  • Serie:Borgen
  • Medium:Blu-ray
  • Mitwirkende:Sofia Helin, Kim Bodnia, Dag Malmberg
  • Regie:Björn Stein
  • Vertrieb:Arrow
  • VÖ-Datum:21.05.2012
  • Sprache:Englisch (UK Import)
Preise und Verfügbarkeit

The body of a woman is found in the middle of the Øresund Bridge. Half of it belongs to a Swedish politician, the other half to a Danish prostitute.
Trapped in the middle of the bridge connecting Sweden and Denmark, a bi-national investigatory team is put together to solve the crime. Laid-back Danish family man, Martin, and Swedish single woman, Saga, have to work together to stop the horrific staged murders before the terrorist wins over public opinion with his anti-corruption agenda.
The body of a woman is found in the middle of the Øresund Bridge. Half of it belongs to a Swedish politician, the other half to a Danish prostitute. Trapped in the middle of the bridge connecting Sweden and Denmark, a bi-national investigatory team is put together to solve the crime. Laid-back Danish family man, Martin, and Swedish single woman, Saga, have to work together to stop the horrific staged murders before the terrorist wins over public opinion with his anti-corruption agenda.

Please note: This television series contains Swedish and Danish audio, with English subtitles.
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