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Children's Film Foundation Collection: Vol. 3: Weird Adventures (Boy Who Turned Yellow/Monster of Highgate Pond/Hitch in Time)

Children's Film Foundation Collection, Vol. 3: Weird Adventures (Boy Who Turned Yellow/Monster of Highgate Pond/Hitch in Time)
  • Mitwirkende:keine Angaben
  • Regie:Michael Powell & Emeric Pressburger, and Alberto Calvalcanti
  • Vertrieb:Bfi
  • Sprache:Englisch (UK Import)
Preise und Verfügbarkeit
Vereinigte Königreich Edition, PAL/Region 2 DVD: TON: Englisch ( Dolby Digital 2.0 ), Englisch ( Mono ), BONUSMATERIAL: Anamorphic Widescreen, Broschüre, Remastered, Schwarz und Weiß, Szene Zugang, Wechselwirkendes Menü, SYNOPSIS: The BFI presents three more classic kids' films from the much loved Children's Film Foundation. This volume showcases three remastered films - all weird and fantastic adventures - made by some of the leading figures of British cinema. The Boy Who Turned Yellow (1972) was the final film produced by the legendary British director/writer/producers Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger (A Matter of Life and Death, The Red Shoes). In this fantastic story a young boy changes colour and gets the ability to transport himself through the TV. The Monster of Highgate Ponds (1961) was made by the great director Alberto Calvalcanti (Went the Day Well, Dead of Night). Three London children acquire a giant egg which hatches out into a mild-mannered monster. A Hitch in Time (1978) stars Patrick Troughton - the second Dr. Who - as an eccentric professor whose new time-machine keeps going wrong. ...Children's Film Foundation Collection (Vol. 3): Weird Adventures ( The Monster of Highgate Ponds / The Boy Who Turned Yellow / A Hitch in Time )

The Boy Who Turned Yellow | The Monster of Highgate Ponds | A Hitch in Time
For over 30 years the Children's Film Foundation produced quality entertainment for young audiences, employing the cream of British filmmaking talent. Newly transferred from the best available elements held in the BFI National Archive, these much-loved and fondly remembered films finally return to the screen after many years out of distribution in this specially curated DVD release from the BFI.
The Monster of Highgate Ponds young David promises to guard a mysterious egg which his uncle brings back from Malaysia. But, when a baby monster hatches, mayhem ensues as David struggles to keep the unruly, but friendly, creature from falling into the clutches of two ruthless crooks. This enchanting tale features brilliant animated sequences by the legendary Halas & Batchelor, who also produced the film, and was directed by the celebrated Ealing director Alberto Cavalcanti (Went the Day Well?).
The Boy Who Turned Yellow is the splendidly eccentric final collaboration from eminent filmmaking duo Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger. London schoolboy John Saunders turns a bright yellow after losing his mouse on a school trip. Is the mysterious colour change the result of an alien invasion or does the answer lie closer to home.
In A Hitch in Time Patrick Troughton (Doctor Who ) plays time-hopping inventor Professor Adam Wagstaff. Discovered working on his time machine by two curious kids, Wagstaff decides to send them back through the ages. But, with malfunctions aplenty, will they be able to make it back? Featuring Jeff Rawle (Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire) as 'Sniffy Kemp', the teacher out to spoil everybody's fun, A Hitch in Time is a riotous re-telling of history
Special Features
  • Brand new High Definition transfers of all films
  • Fully Illustrated booklet with writings by Michael Powell, Lem Kitaj, Vivien Halas and Vic Pratt

UK | 1961 + 1972 + 1978 | black & white, and colour | English language | 56 mins + 52 mins + 54 mins | DVD9 | Dolby Digital mono audio (320kbps) | Original aspect ratio 1.37:1 + 1.66:1 (16x9 anamorphic)
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Preisstand: 31.05.2024 03:00 GMT+1 (Mehr Informationen)
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