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Who Do You Think You Are?: Best of The Comics

Who Do You Think You Are? - Best of The Comics
  • Serie:Auf den Spuren meiner Ahnen
  • Mitwirkende:Alan Carr, David Baddiel, John Bishop, Alexander Armstrong, Stephen Fry
  • Vertrieb:Acorn Media
  • Sprache:Englisch (UK Import)
Preise und Verfügbarkeit
Who Do You Think You Are? follows the journeys of six popular comic personalities as they explore their family trees, uncover their family history and discover fascinating and poignant facts about their ancestors that have been, until now, lost in time. Alexander Armstrong finds relationships with science and royalty dating back to Charles I and beyond; David Baddiel unpacks the secrets that lie in his grandparents suitcases on a journey through Kaliningrad and Warsaw; John Bishop uncovers entertaining roots that take him into the world of Minstrels; Alan Carr kicks off with stories of the soccer field before tracking down a missing soldier; Stephen Fry explores his Slovakian roots, discovering a sugar beet connection that helped save his mother s parents from the Nazis; and Vic Reeves lifts a curtain which hides the secret life of his elusive grandfather revealing another family and a new relative.
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