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Innocent: Series 1

Innocent - Series 1
  • Serie:Innocent
  • Mitwirkende:Lee Ingleby, Hermione Norris, Angel Coulby, Adrian Rawlins, Daniel Ryan, Nigel Lindsay, Elliot Cowan
  • Vertrieb:Acorn Media UK
  • Sprache:Englisch (UK Import)
Preise und Verfügbarkeit
A story of love, lust, jealousy and betrayal, of one man's fight to rebuild his shattered life and a family's struggle to find the truth behind their loved one's murder. After seven years in a high security prison, David Collins' (Lee Ingleby) conviction for the murder of his wife, Tara, is overturned due to a technicality, or as his lawyer puts it an appalling miscarriage of justice . Able to start his life again and begin to repair relationships with his family and friends, David hopes to finally be allowed to mourn his wife's death. As a new investigation is launched, headed by DI Cathy Hudson (Angel Coulby), dark secrets of abuse, affairs and money troubles rise to the surface. From jealous sisters to disgruntled lovers, these secrets rip fragile relationships apart at the seams. But one question remains: is David Collins truly innocent? Language: English
Subtitles: English
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