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All You Need Is Love - Vol. 3: Jungle Music/Jazz

All You Need Is Love - Vol. 3 - Jungle Music/Jazz
  • Serie:All You Need Is Love
  • Mitwirkende:keine Angaben
  • Regie:Tony Palmer
  • Vertrieb:Rough Trade Distribution GmbH
  • VÖ-Datum:17.04.2009
  • Sprache:Deutsch
Preise und Verfügbarkeit
Jazz is not a black music, nor a white music. Nor is it structureless improvisation. Nor did it originate in New Orleans. As created at the turn of the century throughout the American south, it had a quite specific and limited meaning. Its form was strict, as were the morals and musical principles which guided its early exponents. This film will seek to examine the origins of jazz, and show how these were exploited and eventually lost by greed. Jazz is a story of apartheid in music in which a unique blend of white musical discipline and black sensibility was compromised and laid waste.
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